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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

10 Ways How to respond to Customer Complaints

How To Respond to Customer Complaints

This need to be handle very carefully you have to very polite as well very humble because your customer has invested his money on the product he has got all right to shout on you. So its your responsibility to clam down the customer listen his problem and give him a perfect solution. Now let's see some points how to deal with customer complaints.

1. On a telephone -At first customers dial the helpline number which they got from where they invested there money. So if you  take call on customer helpline you need to be cool headed.  Customer got all rights to angry, shout on you but you have handle it very carefully. If you are short temper then you cannot do this job. You have to be humble and polite while taking.

2. Introductions- As you both are unknown to each other you first give an introduction of yourself.

3. Audible- When you are saying anything to your customer you should voice very clear. If you speak very low then your customer will be irritated with you and even he will get more angry with you.

4. A Good Listener- As you are audible to your customer you should be a great listener too. Don't interrupt your customer when he is saying his problem to you.

5. Ask Important Questions- While customer speaks up. You should be ready with your questions. Now its your turn to question him. Ask him problem related questions. Always keep a note pad and and pen with yourself try to write what he is saying or giving you information's related to that problem. 

6. Ready to Apologies- Now your conversations is over now you should apologizes for the problem that your customer has faced. 

7. Give a deadline time- Now its time to give a deadline time to the customer so that you can understand the problem and  solve as quick as possible.

8. Solution - Give the customer a idea of how did the problem occur and what solution you will apply for it. Now may the customer satisfied and wait for the solution.

9. Refund/ Replace- If the problem is very serious and cannot be solved be ready to replace it or refund the money. 

10. Feedback- As the customer to give a positive feedback so that your hard work will be counted.

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